Did you know that ancient Romans used urine and goat milk as a teeth-whitening technique? Thank heavens, we no longer have to do that! But more surprising than this weird whitening concoction is that even the ancient Romans were obsessed with getting white teeth.

If you have just gotten your teeth whitened, there are a few things to keep in mind to maximize and prolong the effects of the procedures.

Proper oral hygiene and some tweaks to your eating habits are sure to maintain the radiance in your smile, but what else can you do for prolonged brightness? Stay with us as we elaborate on the importance of keeping your pearly whites white, and list some of the crucial steps that will take you there.

The Importance of Maintaining Teeth Whitening Results

Now that you have transformed your smile, it is very much important to maintain it properly. One of the worst enemies of recently whitened teeth is coffee, as it can stain your teeth and reverse the whitening process.

Right after you have whitened your teeth, the only thing you are allowed to have is water, and that’s only after 30 minutes of the procedure. In an ideal scenario, a half-day wait is best before sipping on tea, coffee, soft drinks, and spicy meals, for example. Even then, using a straw for drinking tea or coffee is highly recommended to ensure prolonged whiteness.

Since we mentioned spicy meals, other types of foods can also easily stain your teeth, such as beets, dark chocolate, etc. In all fairness, you don’t have to exclude staining foods from your diet completely; just be moderate with your intake.

Critical Tips to Retain the Results of Teeth Whitening

Once you’ve had your teeth professionally whitened or have used an at-home teeth whitening kit, it’s important to maintain your pearly whites by following certain steps that won’t compromise your dental health.

Say No to Smoking

After all the efforts to showcase the health perils of smoking, the nasty habit is still part of many people’s lives. Besides staining teeth, smoking is also a risk factor for gum disease. The tar and nicotine contained in cigarettes will stain your teeth yellow or even brown, and we’re talking about teeth that haven’t been whitened, so imagine the extent of the effects they will have on freshly whitened teeth.
The scope of impact smoking has on teeth has left us to conclude that smokers will experience significant teeth discoloration, as opposed to non-smokers or ex-smokers.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

It is probably safe to say that all of us have heard the “Brush your teeth twice a day” speech, which is very true. Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day will ensure your teeth are all clean and healthy.

In addition, if you stick to flossing once a day, you’ll wrap up the routine quite nicely. One more pointer about brushing your teeth is using fluoride toothpaste or a special teeth-whitening one.

Use an Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are people’s go-to oral hygiene tools to achieve maximum results. A study by the Cochrane Oral Health Group states that people who have used an electric toothbrush have experienced a 21% decrease in plaque and an 11% decrease in gum inflammation compared to using a standard toothbrush.

If you’re looking to make the change to an electric toothbrush, check out NatruSmile’s Whitening LED Electric Toothbrush. It uses advanced sonic technology that not only cleans the teeth but also whitens them super-fast.

Limit Consumption of Staining Substances

As we mentioned earlier, making adjustments to your eating and drinking habits can go a long way in keeping your smile white and radiant. Adopt the following practices to make sure your pearly whites stay white indeed.

  • Limit the amount of coffee, tea, and red wine you usually drink, and use a straw for coffee and juices. If you’re an iced coffee fan, a straw will contribute nicely to the whole enjoyment.
  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Cut down on fruits and vegetables that can stain teeth (beets, blueberries, tomatoes, etc.) You don’t necessarily have to throw them out of your diet altogether; just remember to brush your teeth after enjoying them.
  • Drink beverages that are less likely to stain teeth (water, milk, or clear juices).
  • Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash, or brush your teeth after consuming potentially staining substances.

Touch-up Treatments and Maintenance Products

Dedicating some of your time to maintaining your whitened teeth properly is important. If your dentist has advised periodical checkups, don’t forget to comply. Also, touch-up treatments are essential for the lasting of your whitened teeth, as it pinpoints any issues you might not feel you have but are there, nonetheless.

In addition, it won’t hurt to try some maintenance products like a special whitening toothpaste, a whitening mouthwash, whitening strips, whitening gels, pens, charcoal powder, and brushing your teeth with a special electric toothbrush with a whitening mode.

Seek Advice from a Dentist for Personalized Care

Don’t make a rookie mistake and think that the whitening procedure is all it is for your teeth to be white. Since we all have different teeth, the aftereffects of a whitening process won’t be the same for all.

In that context, the best you can do is consult with your dentist and lay down your experience thus far so you can get personalized care.

They will be able to provide professional advice and maintenance tips so your dazzling white teeth stay healthy and white for a long time.

The Final Say: Prolonging the Whiteness in Your Teeth After Whitening

Have you made the choice to whiten your teeth? Great! You are now part of the millions of people that have whitened their teeth with at-home whitening kits or having the procedure at a dentist’s office.

In whichever case, it’s now up to you to maintain the whiteness in your teeth, and you can do it by avoiding teeth-staining drinks and foods, using an electric toothbrush that cleans and whitens teeth, flossing, going in for touch-ups, and so on. If you’re all for feeling young and confident, flashing a bright smile can help.

Two brushings a day keep the dentist away, they say. ‘Till our next discussion, smile on!