Where to next? This is a question that travelling lovers get asked frequently. Even if you are excited to board the plane again to explore a new destination, it can take time to choose the right place to fit your expectations. You want a memorable experience, but you need to find the right destination for you, one that is worth talking about and has the potential to check off your bucket list some old dreams you probably forgot about. Here are some steps you can take if you want to make the selection process easier:

Establish your goals

Before starting to pack, identify your goals and desires by asking yourself what you actually want to experience in your next trip. Figure out your interests and decide what you are looking for: adventure and adrenaline, relaxation or cultural exchange. You can also take into consideration your past travel destinations and determine what you mainly liked about them, which activities you enjoyed the most, how was the weather like and who you were with. Moreover, you can decide to give it a turn and experience the opposite, for instance, if you travelled to exotic places, try something new this time and opt for a cold destination. Another essential thing to consider is that tourists crowd some destinations, so if you are an introvert, you can opt for a relaxing time in private resorts or take a break from technology and society in a mountain cottage.

Do some research

The Internet is an excellent source of inspiration when it comes to travelling; you can find multiple ideas on social media, where travellers share their journey with their followers and review each destination. Besides the fun part of looking at beautiful pictures, it’s also crucial to get familiar with the living costs for your potential destinations and establish a budget. Choosing the amount of money you are willing to spend on your trip will limit your infinite list of “must-try” experiences on the other side of the world and stick to the ones you can realistically afford at the moment. Besides living costs that include food, drinks and activities, get familiar with the flight ticket deals and car rental and make sure you don’t run out of data when you are on the way to the hotel, not knowing the route. Consider purchasing an eSIM UK that has unlimited Internet to share your travelling experience with your friends and, of course, get back to your hotel safely every time.

Make a travel bucket list

Having a bucket list for all the things you want to experience in your lifetime is a common thing for a travel lover. Some people wait until their retirement to begin crossing off their list but remember that you only live once, and there is no such “right moment” to start your travelling journey, so to make sure you don’t miss a thing, start now. This is how you can organise your travel bucket list according to your preferences:

  • Find your inspiration: the first step to creating a personalised travel bucket list is to look for inspiration online. For instance, on Pinterest, you can find pictures of amazing destinations, or you can take into consideration travellers’ blogs and their international trip reviews.
  • Determine what you want to experience: Choose the experiences and activities you would like to try when you travel the world at least once in your life. For example, you could go on a Safari in Africa, see the northern lights, swim with dolphins, cycle on the Golden Bridge, experience air ballooning in Cappadocia, or visit the Colosseum in Rome.
  • Must-try Foods: consider adding to your bucket list popular dishes you would like to try from different cultures while you’re on your trip, like Spanish paella, Miso soup from Japan, Souvlaki from

Greece or butter chicken from India.

Writing down your desires on your travel bucket list will help you establish your goals and have an overview of the options you have for your next destination, and then you can select the one you can realistically reach in the near future.

Consider your holiday dates

Before deciding the right travel destination for you, it’s essential to consider the dates when you can leave home. For instance, if you take a break from work in the hot season, you can expand your list of possibilities and include any destination that can boost the summer vibe; for example, you can relax on exotic islands, enjoy the Spanish sun or have fun with your friends in Santorini, Greece. On the other hand, when you decide to travel in winter, most probably you are a cold season lover, so you can choose to admire London’s Christmas lights, visit Budapest’s monuments, or opt for a ski resort with a breathtaking view in Switzerland. Even if getting your days off in the cold season wasn’t your decision, you can still feel the breeze of the ocean on a South African island despite the Christmas vibe in your hometown.

Be decisive

Breaking the process into small steps should take you to your final decision smoothly, so once you evaluate all the pros and cons, do your research and write down your desires on your bucket list, you have to be decisive. Most probably, you selected a few potential destinations; if you still can’t decide, trust your gut and don’t waste any time overthinking it. As easy as it sounds, your instinct could lead to a memorable travel experience. Once you’ve made your decision, book the flight, pack your bags and get ready for your next adventure.

Travelling around the world is a main goal in life; exploring new places and cultures, habits, cuisines, and even making new friends abroad brings happiness. Make sure you choose your next destination according to your interests, and, as we said before, don’t waste any time waiting for the right moment.