You’ll encounter a great selection of smart technology to kit out your home with these days. Some are a step above others – do you really need a smart toaster!? Smart tech can also be expensive and may not work with the devices you already have in your home. So, if you could only buy one item, what should it be?

The answer is as clear as day: smart thermostats are the best piece of home tech to buy. Why? Allow us to explain…

Lower your energy bills

Smart thermostats are ideal for lowering your energy bills as you can see how much energy you’re using around the home. They literally explain the cost of what you’re using, so you can instantly turn the thermostat down and see live savings. Over time, the ability to be more in control of your home heating system is life-changing. Reports suggest that the average person saves 10-12% on heating and 15% on cooling every year. This all adds up to hundreds of dollars of yearly savings – or thousands across a lifetime. No other piece of smart technology has this big of an impact on your life!

Control your thermostat from anywhere

Smart lights are probably second on the list of great pieces of home tech to invest in. They give you full control over the lights in your home and can also save on energy bills. The only downside is that you need to be near the lights to control them. With smart thermostats, distance is never a problem.

You’ll have an app on your smartphone device that connects to the internet and then connects to your thermostat. This means you can literally control things from anywhere in the world. You can be at work and check your thermostat, turning it off if you forget to do so. You can also start heating or cooling your home as you commute back after a long day, ensuring you enter a house that’s the perfect temperature. It’s an incredible touch that makes this device even more practical.

Prolong the life of your heating/cooling appliances

If you use a furnace to heat your home, a smart thermostat helps you prolong its life. How? Because you can control how much heat it produces and prevent it from being overused. You start using your furnace a lot smarter than ever before – pardon the pun. As a result, you won’t be contacting a professional for furnace repair every single year.

The same goes for your cooling systems – an air conditioning unit can be overworked when it isn’t used properly. Smart thermostats give you a deeper level of control so you never accidentally leave things on or make them stay active for longer than necessary.

In total, a smart thermostat can help you save an incredible amount of money while making your home more efficient. At the same time, it’s one of the most practical forms of smart tech we’ve seen. So, if you can only buy one piece of smart technology for your house, we strongly suggest trying a smart thermostat.