How many times have you found yourself envying someone for their very healthy lifestyle, wishing you could maintain the same? Unfortunately, forming new habits can require a lot of effort and willpower, and when you are truly emotionally or physically exhausted, making such changes can seem impossible. Unhealthy habits can leave you tired and unmotivated, so it is hard to find the strength and will to adopt new, better ones that will help you feel refreshed. It is a vicious circle, but the good news is – you do not have to stay trapped in it. With just a couple of small changes, you can start feeling more energised, healthier, and happier. Follow these tips and start turning your life around today.

Change your diet

Food is just fuel for your body, and the wrong kind of fuel can damage even the best car. If your energy levels are low, start making changes in your diet. First of all, you need to ensure you are properly hydrated. Lack of water can lower your energy levels, reduce concentration, and boost fatigue and anxiety. Always keep a glass or a bottle of water beside you, so it reminds you to hydrate often. Second, you need to watch what you eat. A lot of processed foods will help you feel full, but keep in mind that these are full of sugar, sodium, and fat. In the long run, eating processed foods can lead to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. These foods won’t boost your energy levels, on the contrary. They can result in a dip in energy, and leave you feeling even more tired than before. If you want to feel better, opt for healthier foods, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Even if you are extremely busy, try to eat at least one or two during the day. If you tend to forget to eat, keep a healthy snack on your desk as a visual reminder. A hectic schedule means you might not be able to maintain a balanced diet at all times, and that is okay. To help your immune system fight off various illnesses, consider taking immune system supplements as well. These will give your body an extra boost and fill in those nutritional gaps.

Get enough ZZZs

When you are exhausted, a good night’s sleep will do wonders for you. However, falling asleep and staying asleep is not easy for a lot of people. If you find yourself exhausted and still completely unable to go to sleep, work on your pre-bedtime routine. That means taking time to wind down before bed, which may include putting down your phone, taking a relaxing bath, listening to soothing music, or even meditating. Make sure you sleep in a dark, cool room with no distractions. A lot of people like to fall asleep with their TV on, but this background noise can only diminish your sleep quality. Once you are able to fall asleep without any problems, work on your sleep schedule. Focus on going to bed and getting up in the morning at a consistent time. A good night’s rest will help you concentrate better, improve your mood, reduce stress, and even lower your risk for serious health problems.

Include physical activity in your schedule

High-quality sleep and a healthy diet will start pulling you out of the above-mentioned vicious circle, and when they do, it is time to work on your physical activity. It may sound silly or even illogical, but exercise will increase your energy levels instead of lowering them. Furthermore, regular physical activity will improve your mood, focus, sleep quality, and overall health. If going to the gym seems like a bit much at the moment, take things slowly by opting for gentle stretching, short walks, or taking the stairs anytime you can. When you have managed to integrate this habit seamlessly into your lifestyle, incorporate a more serious workout into your schedule three times a week. Working out with friends or hiring a personal trainer might help you take this next step.

Make time for self-care

With our busy lives and busy schedules, it is very easy to neglect our well-being. Once your sleep habits have improved, and good nutrition and physical activity are a part of your daily routine, it is important to include some “me time” into your schedule. Making time for self-care should be everyone’s habit since it focuses on mental and physical health. This habit will ensure you do not end up exhausted once again and will keep you on the right course. Self-care can include anything from meditation, painting, taking long baths and reading to writing in your journal and listening to your favourite music.

Pick a new habit

Once your exhaustion is behind you, consider adopting new healthy habits, but slowly. You do have the capacity to take on more, but you still need to reduce the possibility of getting overwhelmed. Therefore, choose one new habit to work on at a time.
Changing your lifestyle for the better can seem daunting when you are exhausted, but the trick is to take things slowly. Do not put too much pressure on yourself since these changes take time. Be kind to yourself, take baby steps, and before you know it your new habits will help you regain energy and build strength.