Electric vehicles have taken the world by storm in recent years and it’s easy to see why. Increased battery lives, better charging infrastructure up and down the country as well as cheaper price tags all contributed to sales rising 40% on EVs last year. This popularity will most likely continue to rise in the future too given the ban being put on the production of fuel-based cars from 2030 onwards.

However, many people still doubt electric cars and that’s because of the misconceptions and myths floating around the internet. However, most of them aren’t true and EVs are now among the best cars money can buy with state-of-the-art tech as well as brilliant driving performance and models like the MG4 electric car being one of the best options in the current market.

That’s why we’re here to debunk the top five misconceptions about electric cars, so you can see the true value of them. Read on to find out more.

Electric cars have poor performance

Electric vehicles have come a long way since they first hit the roads and now offer a driving experience that most motorists can enjoy. One of the most attractive driving performance features that you’ll enjoy is the impressive torque, which allows for rapid acceleration wherever you go.

EVs have a limited range

This is also no longer true with many electric vehicles now capable of reaching over 300 miles on a full charge. Plus, if you do run out of juice on a long drive, then there are plenty of EV charging points all around the country.

Electric vehicles aren’t sustainable

Electric vehicles were designed to be more environmentally friendly than traditional cars and they are! EVs produce no carbon emissions when they’re driven and even the construction is done in an eco-friendly way.

They take forever to charge

Perhaps early on in the development of EVs, this was true, but not anymore. The charging infrastructure has come a long way and now fast-charging stations exist, which let you charge a vehicle in as little as 15 minutes. This is a good amount of time to have a break from the roads and enjoy a coffee before setting off on your journey again.

They’re more expensive than traditional cars to maintain

The reason EVs used to be expensive to maintain is because there was a lack of specialists and freely available replacement parts. However, nowadays most garages can help with your car woes and it won’t cost an arm and a leg to repair. Plus, there’s no need for maintenance tasks like oil changes and basic engine maintenance, which should save you some money in the long run too.