Joe's Daily
Cluttered Cabinet

Spring Cleaning: My Grooming Products

As a self-titled men’s lifestyle writer, I’ve collected my fair share of grooming products to test over the last few years. Now that Spring has arrived, I felt it was time to finally tear apart my grooming cupboard and give it the Spring Cleaning it deserved.

March Madness, and How NOT to Get Caught Streaming

We've all been there. Trying to watch March Madness at the most inappropriate times. I've lost count how many instances where my girlfriend has caught me streaming the game when I wasn't suppose to be.
John Oliver YouTube Conspiracy Video

John Oliver Makes His Own YouTube Conspiracy Video

John Oliver is truly a God amongst men. Each week his show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," tackles all the important issues going on in the World and somehow finds a way to make it upbeat, educational, and absolutely hilarious.
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