When you are in charge of someone’s tracheostomy care at home, it is important to have all the necessary supplies on hand. This can make the process a lot easier for everyone involved. In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to have in order to provide proper tracheostomy care at home. Keep reading for more information!

Tracheostomy Care at Home – What Do You Need?

Tracheostomy is a medical procedure that requires special care and supplies. If you are in charge of providing tracheostomy care at home, there are several items that you should have on hand. From getting proper tracheostomy supplies for the patient to cleaning and suctioning the tracheostomy site, everything you need should be easily accessible. Furthermore, you should also be aware of any symptoms or signs that could indicate an infection. Tracheostomy is a delicate medical procedure, so it is important to be prepared for any eventuality. The most essential items you will need in order to provide proper tracheostomy care at home include:

Tracheostomy Tubes

You should have both a replacement and an inner cannula, as well as a spare tube. The tracheostomy tubes also come in different sizes, depending on the patient’s needs. For instance, a larger tube will be necessary for patients with more severe breathing difficulties. Furthermore, the tracheostomy tubes should be replaced regularly.

Tracheostomy Supplies

You should have a range of tracheostomy supplies, such as tracheostomy ties, tape, gauze pads, cleaning solutions, and lube. These items are essential for proper tracheostomy care at home and should be kept at all times. When it comes to tracheostomy supplies, it is important to use products that are approved for use and are of the best quality.

Suction Catheter

The suction catheter is a vital part of tracheostomy care and is used to remove mucus from the airway. It should be cleaned regularly to ensure proper functioning and should always be available in case of an emergency. When it comes to the catheter, you should also make sure that it is the correct size for the patient’s tracheostomy tube. In addition, you should also have a suction machine available in case of an emergency. This machine is used to create suction and help clear mucus from the airway.


A humidifier is an essential item for tracheostomy care at home. The humidifier helps keep the patient’s airway moist, which can help prevent it from drying out. It also prevents secretions from getting stuck in the tracheostomy tube. Of course, you will need to make sure that the humidifier is clean and functioning properly. Furthermore, you should also have a spare filter for the humidifier.

Emergency Kit

An emergency kit should also be kept on hand for any unexpected events. This kit should include items such as a stethoscope, oxygen mask, gloves, and other essential supplies. It is important to have this kit ready in case of an emergency, as it can help you provide better care in a short amount of time. On the other hand, you should also have a comprehensive first-aid kit available in case of minor injuries.

Oxygen Source

Having an oxygen source available at all times is essential when providing tracheostomy care at home. Oxygen can help improve breathing and reduce the risk of infections. You should have access to a reliable oxygen source, such as a tank or concentrator, in order to provide the best care for the patient. Furthermore, you should also consider getting an oxygen monitor to keep track of the patient’s oxygen levels.

Cleaning Supplies

Tracheostomy is a delicate procedure, so it is important to maintain proper hygiene when providing care at home. You should have a range of cleaning supplies on your hands, such as antiseptic wipes and solutions, cotton swabs, and sterile gauze pads. These items will help you keep the area clean and reduce the risk of infection. If you are using a tracheostomy tube, you should also have lubricant available to ensure the smooth functioning of the tube.

Medications and Supplies

You should also have access to any medications that the patient may need on hand. This includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and bronchodilators. In addition to this, you should also have any supplies that are required to administer the medication, such as syringes and infusion pumps. On the other hand, if the patient is taking oral medications, you should have a stock of those as well.

Having these items on hand will ensure that you are able to provide proper tracheostomy care at home. It is important to have access to quality products and emergency supplies in order to be prepared for any situation. With the right preparation, you can ensure that the patient receives the best possible care.