The game of poker is a well-loved game by many. With the list of rules and proceedings involved in the game of poker, the game might appear complex at first sight. Once you pay attention to key details and strategies, this complexity can faze away and you might be on your way to becoming a top gamer.

While many believe poker is an overwhelmingly complex game, or a game based totally on luck, there are clear strategies that can bridge the gap.

Clear strategies and exceptional skill is the major difference between a pro gamer and an amateur. The ability to accurately read your opponent and make quick gaming decisions that can lead to victory is also important and key in becoming a pro poker gamer.

Different Poker Strategies

In the game of poker, players can infuse several strategies to have an advantage over their opponent and stand a better chance at winning.

The effectiveness of these strategies greatly depends on several factors such as:

  • The variant of poker being played.
  • Skill level of the gamer.
  • Playing style of the gamer.
  • Table dynamics involved.

Let us explore these strategies :

  • The Tight Aggressive Strategy: Also known as the TAG strategy, this is a quite popular poker gaming strategy. It is a very effective strategy in poker and this is one of the reasons it has become very popular among gamers.This strategy involves a player playing a series of strong starting poker hands ( the tight ), while confidently playing the cards, the player needs to be raising and betting so the opponent can feel pressured.

    Players that adopt this strategy must have skills in reading opponents, making on-time bluffs, and making use of any profitable opportunity.

    This strategy is best used when your opponent deals you strong hands and the table dynamics allow for an aggressive play.

    For example:if you are with Aces or Kings, you can raise pre-flop to narrow the playing field and increase the pot size.

    At post-flop, you can continue the game with aggressive betting and raises if you are certain that the board favors your hand.

  • The passive Strategy: this poker gaming strategy involves players avoiding a lot of betting and raising. This strategy might seem more laid back and ineffective but players that adopt this strategy can easily trap their opponents and trick them into betting high by allowing the opponent to take the lead.This Poker gaming strategy is mostly used by amateurs to avoid high risks.

    This strategy is best used when a player is unsure of the opponent’s tendencies or also when the table has become aggressive.

    For example: if your position is still early and the table becomes aggressive with players raising pre-flops, you can choose to call and see the flop. This will help you minimize your loss.

  • The Loose Aggressive Strategy: also known as the LAG strategy, this strategy involves the player playing a wide range of games while still applying constant aggression through the gameplay.Due to the wide range of games being played, the player confuses the opponent through unpredictable moves and this results in the player gaining control of the table.

    The player is not scared of bluffing and uses large bets to disorient the opponent.

    This strategy is best used when you identify a player using the passive Strategy or golfing very quickly. This strategy is very effective against tight opponents.

    For example: if a player on your left is constantly folding to continuous bets, take advantage of this weakness by raising pre-flop and betting aggressively on it at a late stage. After this, turn and river and pay no regard to your hand strength. This will make them fold more and you can accumulate more chips without a strong hand.

  • Balanced Strategy: This strategy involves the player maintaining a balanced mix of aggressive and passive game-play. The player must also use varying betting methods to keep the opponent confused and guessing.A player using this strategy must carefully consider the gaming situation and style and be flexible enough to adapt new Strategies as required. This approach will keep the opponent guessing and unable to exploit any situation.

    This strategy is best used when your opponent is skilled and very observant. Ensuring you have an unpredictable poker hand and your bets vary with make your opponent unable to predict your next move.

    Example: if you have been using the TAG strategy and your opponent adjusts to it by folding to your weak hands, you need to mix it up with bluffs and another strategy to create a balance

  • The Maniac Strategy: players that adopt this gaming strategy are always unpredictable and very aggressive gamers. They make large bets and raises with a wide variety of cards.This strategy puts the opponent in tight spots where they will have to make difficult decisions

    Players that use this strategy are usually very tough to play against and they keep you guessing with their constant change in games and their tendency to tilt the table dynamics.

    This strategy is best used when you have noticed a weak player. This strategy excels in taking advantage of people’s emotions.

    For example: if you notice a player making ill-advised bets, wait for a premium hand to allow them to commit to the pot. When this is done, you can go all in as you already know the player is likely to call with weak holdings.

  • The Deceptive Strategy: this is a psychological strategy. Gamers that adopt this strategy use psychology to tilt the game dynamics in their favor.They use manipulative tactics to change their opponent’s perception of their game. They conceal their true intentions all through the gameplay while ensuring they mask their reactions.

    These players can disguise the strength or weakness of their hand and this makes it difficult for opponents to successfully read them.

    This strategy is best used when you are known for a consistent playing pattern and players can quite recognize your playing pattern. You will need to act in a way that contradicts your hand strength as Thai will throw your opponent off and they will make mistakes.

    Example: If you have been raising frequently when you have strong hands then you might want to limp when you have strong hands and raise when your hands are weak. This will deceive your opponents and cause them to make mistakes.

To be successful in poker, you must mix all the different strategies at different points of the game. These strategies are the major factor that makes you a pro gamer.