Joe's Daily
LEVO Oil Infuser

LEVO Oil Infuser

Believe it or not, infusing your own oils isn't rocket science, but can be tedious and messy. LEVO is automating the method of oil infusion...
Bulleit x Noble Denim Jacket

NOBLE Denim Jacket Aged in Bulleit Bourbon Barrels

Last year we gave you a closer look at NOBLE Denim's partnership with Bulleit Bourbon on their bourbon barrel aged jeans. Today, I'm excited to announce their latest collaboration set to launch December 6 – the Bulleit x Noble Jacket.
Miller Lite Ugly Sweater

Miller Lite Holiday Ugly Sweater

If you aren't fond of last year's holiday garb and are on the lookout for something new, check the limited edition holiday sweater Miller Lite just put out.
Old Spice Hair Putty

Quick Fixes for Bad Hair Days for Men

Men, it's ok to admit that we actually care how our hair looks. When it comes down to it, there's a certain confidence we gain when our coiffure looks its best, because bad hair days are the worst!
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